June 28, 2020


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June 24, 2020

Self Evaluation - Part 2 - K Bhanumoorthy

                                           Part II

    11.  Students work correction:

a. Self  correction.
b. Peer correction
  1. Whole class

12. Innovation  :

  1. Did I follow any specific method / technique ?
  2. Students were able to follow the new method.     Yes / No

                      13.  Recapitualisation :

                              a.Did i say and consolidate all the points as discussed/ taught?
                              b.Did I ask apt ,relevant, adequate questions  for the development   of the  lesson?

                      14.   Evaluation :

                              a.Did i give sufficient questions for Homework ? Y/N
                               b.Was I fair and impartial in evaluating students ? Y/N

                      15.   Effectiveness :

                              a. Did students enjoy teaching - learning process ?
                              b. Could I bring about a change in the  learning
                                   behaviour  among  students.   
                       16.  General  Outcome :

                               a. Did I complete what I had  planned  for  that allotted
                                   teaching  period? Y/N
                        b.   Am I satisfied with the performance  of  students  ?
                               How do  I rate ?
                                                      Average / good / very Good / Excellent .

                       17.    Re-examine  Techniques :

                               a. What, areas that I did not evoke expected outcome/
                                   response  from  students, 
                              b. Did i falter in any aspect? How can I improve upon?   
                              c. Am I prepared to use / employ different techniques for  
                                  better  learning?  Y/N
                           Other than the points referred  above , 3 more points  I like to share.

                          18. Completion  of  Syllabus as per split up of syllabus as per term ,
                                 Month wise : 
                              a .Completed satisfactorily / gratified manner  .  Yes / No

                                      b. If No ,reasons there of :

                         19.  Feedback :

                 a. What  was the  feedback  i ) Observing Official / Principal.
                 b. Were  there any  suggestions ?

               20. Collaboration with other  colleagues  :   
                 a. Do you have a mind set to interact    Y / N  
                 b. Do you discuss any academic matters and share Ideas? Y / N
                 c. Do you seek any help / clarify doubts?  Y / N

Professional collaboration shall be helpful. Strength of each teacher can contribute for school improvement. It is nothing but process of working together to achieve common goal; student progress and their achievements,  ultimately, that is our AIM. Self evaluation is helpful, but evaluation from some one else is essential for professional growth.

I am sure the mentioned tools not exhaustive in itself.at the same time, would help ,improving ,strengthening one’s teaching techniques, critically analyze and identify one’s strong and weak areas. It would take some time to reach perfection, yet one has to strive for it.Every one has to find his /her own way to attain success.  Let us take pride in our profession and have genuine interest, working with enthusiasm in improving ourselves professionally. This will ensure self- esteem and inner satisfaction.

The test of a good teacher is not how many questions he can ask his pupils that they answer readily, but how many questions ,he inspires them to ask which he finds it hard to answer. 
——————-Alice Wellington Rollins.

- K Bhanumoorthy

Self Evalutaion - Part 1 - K Bhanumoorthy

Self -evaluation ----------TOOL

Introduction:                                                        Part I

Teachers who wish to excel in their career understand the need for self -monitoring .The conscientious(diligent / industrious/pains-taking)  teacher wishes that he/she conducts the class well, would like to ensure and make learning effective whatever wished/planned within the given time. There may be some occasions, someone will be assessing/ evaluate, a class , with a different perceptions. Here are a few suggestions so that, a teacher evaluate himself/herself for professional growth, you are, not only an efficient teacher but how effective you are. There are certain words frequently we use. They are motivation, linkage, response, voice modulation, communication, class management, interaction, integration, and evaluation, so on. Here are few tips .Within 40 to 45 minutes, in one teaching period, these many questions to ponder over.

1. Motivation-------Warm up Activity?

    1. Any warm up activity done?   Y/ N
    2. Was it less / more than required?
    3. Students  involvement less / more than expected.

  1. Relation to the topic / unit. :

      a. Were  my  instructions  clear  and  sufficient ?
      b. who talked more, in the class ----teacher or student ?
      C. Ratio of talk, between the teacher and students.

    3.  Activities :

a. Problem solving / Proof of Theorem / Project/ Application.
b. Activities : individual /Group / Whole class

     4. Response:  Activities done by students
  1. Completed task
  2. Took part in Group work
  3. Busy on the topic given
  4. Did not participate
  5. Equal participation Dominated by some.

5. Class  management :

  1. Felt comfortable  and  confident in class  Yes / No.
  2. Did I control noise ? Y / N
  3. Did I guide students?  Y / N

6,  Communication :

  1. Did I speak clearly,   audible to the whole class ? Y/N
  2. Did I write legibly on the blackboard? Y / N
  3. Did I illustrate effectively? Y / N

7. Focus :

  1. Did I proceed logically, coherently ? Y/N
  2. Did I cover the content adequate as planned? Y/ N
  3. Discussions focused on the topic most of the time Yes / No.

                       8. Integration :

                 a. .Did I integrate the topic with related topics horizontally,  Y/N                       
                 b. Did I link the topic with any other subject? Y/N

9.. Organisation:

      a. Did I proceed from easy  to difficult ? Y/N
      b. Did I from general to specific?

10. Attention to different level of students:

      a. Did I pay adequate support and guidance to slow learners? Y/N
      b. Did I give challenging tasks  to  gifted students.?Y/N

Thanks for reading

K Bhanumoorthy

June 19, 2020

Webinar on Magic Square by T R Jothilingam

Please fill the registration form.
Certificate to participants will be shared after the session.
Mr T R Jyothilingam is a magic square expert with 6 world record in his name.

June 4, 2020

Level of Teaching Mathematics for Low Achievers - K Bhanumoorthy

Level of teaching ,so that the low achievers are  benefited .( with special reference to maths learning).

A class is an amalgamation of students of almost  the same age,of different calibers          (abilities),and inborn capabilities; so a teacher has to modify/alter/change the way of teaching in order to achieve the specified objectives. If a teacher takes more than one section in a particular class, then to change the mode of approach depending upon the standard of students.The same approach may not help,  in the  learning  process.Ultimately this is a challenging task that a teacher face, when they need to adopt teaching pattern so that no student left behind.It’s not  the question of teaching ,how many have learnt/understood. One pertinent question , I do always think.Do we know our students?. Some time back,I heard from one  of my  friends .It goes like this. Student asks “ I am not able to  understand the way you teach, could you please teach me the way by which I can understand .” No doubt this question is a penetrating question to ponder over..One can easily understand the  inner feeling of a student ,what does a student he /she want from a teacher.Teaching has to be in such a manner,adjusting one’s teaching pace taking into consideration students skills .They are to be motivated .  Learning is a joyful experience.It is expected of every teacher, to make students think .It is that easy but it is earnest duty and concern .One has to put optimum efforts to get success in their committed work. Slow learners are not Non-learners, the learning  process can make a difference.A smile and concern, for the students by the teachers , changes, makes him/her  feel comfortable in the learning process.

When we talk about students ,some are visual learners, some are audio learners and some are good  at reading  .So teaching has to be a  combination of, types of students.First of all  lesson planning to be ,cater to all kinds of children.

Let us discuss some strategies:

  1. Language :The language what you use has to be simple ,easy to understand ,be very clear with clarity.In brief ,the student understands fully without any ambiguity.One has to be slow when an explanation is given .New concepts ,definitions to be repeated twice/ thrice ,till everyone grasps. If required ,local  language ,be used .                                                                                             
  2. Black Board :  This is an important tool in the class room teaching .All illustrations / examples are  to be written legibly. Some space can be preferably on the right side  kept ,how the topic is being developed. Colour chalks be used wherever required.                                                                                                                
  3. Mode of teaching : As there are 3 types of students, teaching has to satisfy all types of students. Teacher has to prepare appropriate teaching aids,some visual video clippings,pictures, making learning much easier.Visual demonstration be adopted by showing some activities, so to say  project. Using different  modes of instructions shall certainly promote ,boost them to participate in discussions, and  stay focussed. Instead of merely telling, teachers  to guide,  to carry  out ,the activities assigned, facilitating, slow learners to understand thoroughly.Involving students in problem solving step by step  ,making   learning effective and hence whatever learnt is retained.It is essential to repeat instructions for activities,students to repeat back,to confirm the immediate feed- back.                                                                                                                                                                                      
  4. Interaction and involvement.: In a school one can not follow the lecture method..It has to be student centered/ child centred.Students participation is essential,when a lesson is being developed by the teacher, to proceed step by step.There are some students who are timid, shy to ask doubts ,questions in  the class  Such kind   of students to be encouraged to interact  and feel free to talk to the teachers.  Some students may be asked to solve ,work out problems on the black board, to improve their self confidence.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  5. Classroom Management:
This is an another area where teachers have to pay more attention.Maintaining discipline in the class is a must,teachers do observe the whole class weather all students are attentive and listen to  what teachers say.(Listening means paying due attention).If discipline is there automatically learning takes place.I have to say, one can   be, strict but not to be rude,blunt,offensively impolite.Students may be trained in note making,that would help in knowing facts what they are studying.

Miscellaneous :

Class-room can be decorated with teaching materials models,Charts,pictures of mathematicians,some paintings done by students,hung on the walls.The art teacher could extend support.Even furniture arrangement in the class-room could be thought of with the school head evolving a natural and befitting environment .persuading stimulating achieving the intended result.

Let me conclude, be instruments ,to ignite the minds of students ,with powerful thoughts,to unleash their true/latent potential.

A quote :
                 “ In an effective class-room ,students should not only know what they are doing,they should  also know why and how.”


    K Bhanumoorthy

May 31, 2020

Self Study (Part - 2) - K Bhanumoorthy

Self—study (Part II)

                                      In continuation of Self - study  part I , I would like to put across and share what has been carried out during the tenure as principal in a  school. I have mentioned, in the article self- study, in classroom.  In a school there  may  be  occasions  where teachers might be on leave  on  some  personal  grounds; On some occasions official duty outside. In that situation a teacher is put on duty to manage the class (as substitution duty) so that no untoward incidents take place in class rooms, a teacher is a must .Classes above 8th ,the under mentioned, approach  can be tried out under the  supervision or without supervision and be implemented.

                    Quote from Sh. A P J  Abdul Kalam ji  formal  president of our country.

                   “ Personal  development is not something you achieve within a week or a year . It’s a  life long  process of learning ,improving different skills and qualities.  Suppose to be aware  of  strengths  and weaknesses of self ,they will certainly push up for self -development.”

                    Every class is allotted to a specified teacher as Class teacher of that particular Class. Class teacher has  to  work  earnestly,  co-opt in executing the project taking the support and required help from  colleagues, be implemented in letter and spirit. The first requite is to maintain a self- study notebook.  In the Index page the under mentioned  columns  be made .

                    1. Sl. No.,  2. Date,  3.  Period  ,  4. Subject ,  5.  Unit  learnt,  6. Sign of Cl Tr., 7. Sign  Of  Principal, (Head of Institution), 8. Remarks ( CL Tr  means class teacher ).

                    How  can be done ?

                    Student are asked to study themselves. If  no teacher  is  there , self -  disciplined  to be maintained to the core, the whole class. Students are permitted to study whatever interested in. The work or the contents what studied to be  noted  as per  format , given in the index page. 

                            At the end of the month the notebooks are to be submitted to the Principal ( the  Institution head—whoever  I / C on the seat).Students are shown the right path ,how to be self- disciplined and how could help themselves in learning  process. I would like to stress no group work only individual study. In case teachers have planned their leave well in advance , students  might be intimated what to study, a sort of  preparation for any, forth coming  internal assignment.

                          Let me conclude with a Quote:

                          “ Tell me and I forget
                             Teach me and I remember
                              Involve me and I learn.”
                                                                                   -------Benjamin Franklin


May 22, 2020

Self - study ( Practice) IN LEARNING Mathematics .- Mr K Bhanumoorthy

Self - study ( Practice)  IN  LEARNING   Mathematics .    Part I



Self- study is an another method of learning. In this method students are directly involved .This kind of learning, might take place inside the classroom or outside the classroom, with direct supervision or without  direct supervision. Self- study, definitely helps an individual to retain the knowledge and to proceed further ,quite useful to enhance one’s learning experience ,shall be able to go beyond textbooks and the  knowledge already gathered / gained/acquired , from their teachers.


Now the question is how to motivate, self-study   ?


Generally students do read comics, novels, magazines of their own interest, under reading habits, according to their taste to enhance the eyes span, comprehension ability, to acquire general knowledge in certain areas of study, derive pleasure. In the same way, students can take up study materials, available with reference to the related topics/units. This is possible only when?   Learning has to be a joyful experience.


Fear complex in the subject is to be removed, so to say phobia. This can be done by conceptual teaching learning process. The subject is to be linked with daily life situations where  it  is applied ,make the students realize  and be motivated  why to study mathematics .Teaching has to be effective by using various techniques, using appropriate teaching aids, activity oriented lessons .Students are  to be involved in project  oriented activities, the teacher  can adopt  new  method / approach, be innovative so that  even difficult topic/unit be made easy. By these means whatever is learnt, is retained ever.


Benefits of Self- study   :  


1.   Students are actively engaged, ponder over linkage, applications relevant to the topics whatever is being studied.

2.   Students shall be able to search for additional information to be thorough in the topic/ unit.

3.   Students become more confident, independent, thereby their self-esteem goes up.

4.   Curiosity is raised to know more, why, why not, how to proceed, alternate methods (open ended approach).

5.   Feel comfortable, learn one’s own pace.                                                                   


                          Ways  and  Means :  By TEACHERS.


1.   To suggest appropriate, standard reference books, articles, magazines, even the authorized and approved Videos.

2.   To give graded questions for practice, follow up there upon, if mistakes are committed, guiding them to realize and rectify.

3.   To give application questions, to solve in classroom or outside classroom. Ample opportunities are to be provided to interact and exposure, to find the solution. Praise and appreciation for good work done however small it could be .

4.   Plan your work, work for your plan, keeping your, specific objectives, desired learning outcomes.


                         Have Vision and Mission. 


Sincere                    Expertise                  Learning                    Fabulous;

Salient    Testimony                    Upright                    Dignified     Yield.          


Dear Teachers in this write up, I have shared  my  experiences , as a teacher.

Let me end up with a quote:

 The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your potential ……….. .These are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.




Mr. Bhanumoorthy Krishnamoorthy is a retired KV principal. He is presently living in Bangluru. A dedicated author with more than 30 years of teaching experience is a Director of Southern Region of All India Ramanujan Maths Club, Gujarat