June 24, 2020

Self Evalutaion - Part 1 - K Bhanumoorthy

Self -evaluation ----------TOOL

Introduction:                                                        Part I

Teachers who wish to excel in their career understand the need for self -monitoring .The conscientious(diligent / industrious/pains-taking)  teacher wishes that he/she conducts the class well, would like to ensure and make learning effective whatever wished/planned within the given time. There may be some occasions, someone will be assessing/ evaluate, a class , with a different perceptions. Here are a few suggestions so that, a teacher evaluate himself/herself for professional growth, you are, not only an efficient teacher but how effective you are. There are certain words frequently we use. They are motivation, linkage, response, voice modulation, communication, class management, interaction, integration, and evaluation, so on. Here are few tips .Within 40 to 45 minutes, in one teaching period, these many questions to ponder over.

1. Motivation-------Warm up Activity?

    1. Any warm up activity done?   Y/ N
    2. Was it less / more than required?
    3. Students  involvement less / more than expected.

  1. Relation to the topic / unit. :

      a. Were  my  instructions  clear  and  sufficient ?
      b. who talked more, in the class ----teacher or student ?
      C. Ratio of talk, between the teacher and students.

    3.  Activities :

a. Problem solving / Proof of Theorem / Project/ Application.
b. Activities : individual /Group / Whole class

     4. Response:  Activities done by students
  1. Completed task
  2. Took part in Group work
  3. Busy on the topic given
  4. Did not participate
  5. Equal participation Dominated by some.

5. Class  management :

  1. Felt comfortable  and  confident in class  Yes / No.
  2. Did I control noise ? Y / N
  3. Did I guide students?  Y / N

6,  Communication :

  1. Did I speak clearly,   audible to the whole class ? Y/N
  2. Did I write legibly on the blackboard? Y / N
  3. Did I illustrate effectively? Y / N

7. Focus :

  1. Did I proceed logically, coherently ? Y/N
  2. Did I cover the content adequate as planned? Y/ N
  3. Discussions focused on the topic most of the time Yes / No.

                       8. Integration :

                 a. .Did I integrate the topic with related topics horizontally,  Y/N                       
                 b. Did I link the topic with any other subject? Y/N

9.. Organisation:

      a. Did I proceed from easy  to difficult ? Y/N
      b. Did I from general to specific?

10. Attention to different level of students:

      a. Did I pay adequate support and guidance to slow learners? Y/N
      b. Did I give challenging tasks  to  gifted students.?Y/N

Thanks for reading

K Bhanumoorthy

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