Self—study (Part II)
continuation of Self - study part I , I
would like to put across and share what has been carried out during the tenure
as principal in a school. I have
mentioned, in the article self- study, in classroom. In a school there may
be occasions where teachers might be on leave on
some personal grounds; On some occasions official duty
outside. In that situation a teacher is put on duty to manage the class (as
substitution duty) so that no untoward incidents take place in class rooms, a
teacher is a must .Classes above 8th ,the under mentioned,
approach can be tried out under the supervision or without supervision and be
Quote from Sh. A P J Abdul Kalam ji
formal president of our country.
“ Personal development is not something you achieve
within a week or a year . It’s a life
long process of learning ,improving
different skills and qualities. Suppose
to be aware of strengths
and weaknesses of self ,they will certainly push up for self
Every class is allotted to
a specified teacher as Class teacher of that particular Class. Class teacher
has to
work earnestly, co-opt in executing the project taking the
support and required help from
colleagues, be implemented in letter and spirit. The first requite is to
maintain a self- study notebook. In the
Index page the under mentioned
columns be made .
1. Sl. No., 2. Date,
3. Period , 4.
Subject , 5. Unit
learnt, 6. Sign of Cl Tr., 7.
Sign Of
Principal, (Head of Institution), 8. Remarks ( CL Tr means class teacher ).
How can be done ?
Student are asked to study
themselves. If no teacher is
there , self - disciplined to be maintained to the core, the whole
class. Students are permitted to study whatever interested in. The work or the
contents what studied to be noted as per
format , given in the index page.
At the end of the month the notebooks are to be submitted to the
Principal ( the Institution
head—whoever I / C on the seat).Students
are shown the right path ,how to be self- disciplined and how could help
themselves in learning process. I would
like to stress no group work only individual study. In case teachers have
planned their leave well in advance , students might be intimated what to study, a sort
of preparation for any, forth
coming internal assignment.
Let me conclude with
a Quote:
“ Tell me and I
Teach me and I remember
Involve me and I
-------Benjamin Franklin
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