June 24, 2020

Self Evaluation - Part 2 - K Bhanumoorthy

                                           Part II

    11.  Students work correction:

a. Self  correction.
b. Peer correction
  1. Whole class

12. Innovation  :

  1. Did I follow any specific method / technique ?
  2. Students were able to follow the new method.     Yes / No

                      13.  Recapitualisation :

                              a.Did i say and consolidate all the points as discussed/ taught?
                              b.Did I ask apt ,relevant, adequate questions  for the development   of the  lesson?

                      14.   Evaluation :

                              a.Did i give sufficient questions for Homework ? Y/N
                               b.Was I fair and impartial in evaluating students ? Y/N

                      15.   Effectiveness :

                              a. Did students enjoy teaching - learning process ?
                              b. Could I bring about a change in the  learning
                                   behaviour  among  students.   
                       16.  General  Outcome :

                               a. Did I complete what I had  planned  for  that allotted
                                   teaching  period? Y/N
                        b.   Am I satisfied with the performance  of  students  ?
                               How do  I rate ?
                                                      Average / good / very Good / Excellent .

                       17.    Re-examine  Techniques :

                               a. What, areas that I did not evoke expected outcome/
                                   response  from  students, 
                              b. Did i falter in any aspect? How can I improve upon?   
                              c. Am I prepared to use / employ different techniques for  
                                  better  learning?  Y/N
                           Other than the points referred  above , 3 more points  I like to share.

                          18. Completion  of  Syllabus as per split up of syllabus as per term ,
                                 Month wise : 
                              a .Completed satisfactorily / gratified manner  .  Yes / No

                                      b. If No ,reasons there of :

                         19.  Feedback :

                 a. What  was the  feedback  i ) Observing Official / Principal.
                 b. Were  there any  suggestions ?

               20. Collaboration with other  colleagues  :   
                 a. Do you have a mind set to interact    Y / N  
                 b. Do you discuss any academic matters and share Ideas? Y / N
                 c. Do you seek any help / clarify doubts?  Y / N

Professional collaboration shall be helpful. Strength of each teacher can contribute for school improvement. It is nothing but process of working together to achieve common goal; student progress and their achievements,  ultimately, that is our AIM. Self evaluation is helpful, but evaluation from some one else is essential for professional growth.

I am sure the mentioned tools not exhaustive in itself.at the same time, would help ,improving ,strengthening one’s teaching techniques, critically analyze and identify one’s strong and weak areas. It would take some time to reach perfection, yet one has to strive for it.Every one has to find his /her own way to attain success.  Let us take pride in our profession and have genuine interest, working with enthusiasm in improving ourselves professionally. This will ensure self- esteem and inner satisfaction.

The test of a good teacher is not how many questions he can ask his pupils that they answer readily, but how many questions ,he inspires them to ask which he finds it hard to answer. 
——————-Alice Wellington Rollins.

- K Bhanumoorthy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A very systematic way of analyzing the evaluation. Very nice sir. I will implement for my teachers. One more could be. Did my evaluation cover the slow learners, average and above average uniformly?