Singh’s friends at Netarhat remember him as the boy who spent most of his time studying.“Netarhat put a lot of emphasis on extra-curricular activities and sports. The students were divided into A, B, C and D teams, with those in A the sportiest and D filled with nerds. Vashishthaji was in Team D. “I remember, during the hockey class, those in Team D would all be sitting, hockey sticks resting by them, discussing books, theorems and philosophy,” says Dr Ajay Kumar, Director of Urology at Patna’s Paras Hospital, who was three years Singh’s junior at Netarhat. In college, Vashishtha was so good at Math that he would even tell his teachers that there were other ways to solve a sum than how the teacher had just done. That ‘defiance’ led to Singh being dragged to then principal and mathematician Professor Nagendra Nath’s room, who was so impressed that he got Singh to skip two years of BSc and sit straightaway for his BSc Final Year exam, which he cleared in 1964. The following year, Professor John L Kelley of the University of California, who was visiting Professor Nath, heard of the teenager’s talent and asked if he could take him to the US. That’s how the Bhojpuri-speaking boy from Basantpur ended up on the Berkeley campus at age 19, where he did his MSc and later his PhD. Singh was awarded the Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian award of India, posthumously in 2020.
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