How to get 100 % pass
K Bhanumoorthy
K Bhanumoorthy
In continuation to blog
1 on the
topic “ How to get 100% pass in
Mathematics” I gave the details of
various boards and our commitments to our profession, setting targets .
Here again I have
suggested certain aspects where the
teachers could pay attention to achieve the target .
Attention to Teachers:
1. To be aware of whole syllabus to be taught for the academic year.
2. In general a class is heterogeneous,
so teaching has to be child centered cater to the needs all types of students (3
types of learners visual, auditory, kinesthetic).
3 .Case study of every student
after 2 months or so, to be maintained .After conducting test(s), the teacher
should be able to identify what types of errors/mistakes, does a student make.
The errors may be in computation, comprehension, conceptual. The required
remedial measures are to be carried out then and
there. Appropriate guide lines are to be given with all sorts of
4. Group wise activities, now a day’s
collaborative learning is suggested since the students feel ease, more
comfortable to clarify doubts with friends circle and make up their mind for
healthy competition. While forming groups care is to be taken that each group consists
of students of different caliber.
5. Time management is the need of
the hour, so students are to be trained / sufficient practice to complete the
sum, correctly. Once the unit /chapter is over , for class assignments instead
of 3 or 4 questions written on the black board, to solve, I would suggest
one question at a time is written on the
black board. This would help a teacher to find, who has completed on time, who
have not completed, who and all need guidance. Then to another question and so on.
To be continued -----
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