December 18, 2018

How to get 100% in Mathematics - By K Bhanumoorthy

       How to get 100% pass in mathematics?
                                                                                       K Bhanumoorthy

 In continuation of “ How to get 100% pass in Mathematics , I suggested 5(five ) points in blog 2 ,  where teachers have to pay attention. Few more points are incorporated to attain the goals.

1. For board exam, students do practice many sample papers as per board pattern (Chapter wise weightage of marks, also Blue print to be discussed, for the general awareness.). We have to get to the point where the minimum is not enough.
2. Few students who wish to complete first thereby make mistakes, rechecking is to be insisted once over and follow up should be done.
3. Teachers have to identify certain chapters where students can easily score marks. In those chapters, teachers have to re-teach and give sufficient practice, to slow learners, instilling self confidence that they can clear the exam.
4. Within a period of 2 to 3months cordial relation has to be established so that students do not have fear to ask and clarify doubts.
5.Planned  home  work  for  feedback  and  assessing  work  carried out by students.
6. When teachers are paying attention to slow learners, gifted students should not be neglected .They are to be encouraged,  may assign  some  work  as  group leaders, taking them into confidence,
7. Last but not least in a test, if no one has attempted / not done correctly, any question, teacher has to think seriously and ponder over what went wrong, for self introspection. 
Parent’s role in a child’s life has far reaching impact .So teacher has to have very good rapport with parents so that they make a home a good place for learning. Teachers have to seek  parents  support  and   involvement .Parents are to be counseled, with a note, that they do  praise, encourage, and give positive influence so that their wards do better in examination.

When the teacher says, I am the one that makes learning possible in the classroom and I am committed to make it happen. And the student says, I will do everything that I can, to learn. I am ready to learn. That is when the magic of learning really happens. So student’s commitment depends on teacher’s commitment. One thing is, to study,  whom you are teaching, the other thing is, to study, the knowledge you are teaching. If you can interweave the two things together nicely, you will succeed in getting 100% result. Ultimately let students feel and give their hands in faith that “MY TEACHER SHALL LEAD ME IN THE RIGHT PATH”.
My sincere thanks to all my teachers, parents, students , friends ,  enabling me to express my views.

K Bhanumoorthy 

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