August 15, 2024

Important Days in Mathematics

 1. Euler Day

Every year on 7th Feb (2/7) is celebrated as Euler day because  Leonhard Euler had calculated the value of e (a constant) to be 2.7182818. The first two number 2/7 is 7th  February.

2. International Day of Mathematics

UNESCO’s 40th General Conference proclaimed 14 March of every year International Day of Mathematics in November 2019.

3. World Pi Day

March 14 (3/14) is celebrated as Pi Day around the world. U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation to formally recognize Pi Day in 2009 and since then it is celebrated on 14th March which is also the birthday of Einstein. The idea of celebrating Pi day came in the mind of Physicist Larry Shaw in 1988 but it took 21 years to get the final idea adopted by the world.

4. Women in Mathematics Day

12th May is celebrated as Women in Mathematics Day around the world. On 31st July 2018, the Women Committee of Iranian Mathematics Society presented a proposal that Maryam Mirzakhani’s birthday – May 12th be recognised as Women in Mathematics Day which was approved by World Meeting for Women in Mathematics by a vast majority.

5. Tau Day

Like Pi, Tau is a constant and it is double of pi in approximation. Hence on Every 28th June (6/28) Tau is celebrated around the world

6. Pi Approximation Day

On 22nd July, we celebrate Pi Approximation Day (22/7)

7. Math Storytelling Day

Math Storytelling Day is celebrated on 25th September every year. It was created by Maria Droujkova and Sue VanHattum in 2009. This day is celebrated to encourage people to tell stories about Mathematicians, their struggle and contribution and to appreciate the discovery in the mathematics.

8. Fibonacci Day

On 23rd November (11/23) is celebrated as Fibonacci day because 11 and 23 both are a part of Fibonacci Sequence .

9. National Mathematics Day

Dr Manmohan Singh in 2011 announced that every year 22nd December should be celebrated as National Mathematics Day because, the child prodigy Srinivasa Ramanujan was born on this day.

10. Pythagorean Day

This day is not celebrated every year but any year where the date, month and year makes a Pythagorean triplet is termed as Pythagorean day. In 2025, 24/7/25 will be Pythagorean Day as – 242 + 72 = 252


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