December 1, 2022

Mathematization in the assessment tests :- Dr Ajay K Choubey

                             Mathematization in the assessment tests

Dr Ajay Kumar Choubey

(Academic Coordinator, Delhi Board of School Education)

      How fair it is to use a pencil and paper test to assess the mathematical knowledge of a student?

 Dr. Ajay Choubey reports his own views after extensive research on this subjects. He visited many govt. and private school to analyze how the assessment impacts and effects the learning atmosphere and suggests a remedy.

 Dr Ajay Choubey has been instrumental in bringing a paradigm shift in educational culture in SOSE, Harinagar in the past. His pedagogical skill to cultivate a change in mathematical learning and teaching is being practiced in many schools falling under DBSE where he is presently working as an academic coordinator.

A pencil – and - paper test can capture mathematics only as finished product available overtly in students’ responses to the pre- scripted questions. The logic, strategies and process through which the final and overt responses to questions get appeared can not be apprehended merely by pencil- and- paper test. Mathematical disposition, mathematical thinking, problem solving, attitude and eagerness to use mathematics as a strategy and tool of seeing, thinking and organizing the events , are complex and tacit aspects of mathematics and mathematisation in the daily life, which can only be captured by an intimate and a non-intrusive form of assessment i.e. interactive observation. Along this argument observation and discussion with students about how they were engaging with mathematical situation had been selected as trajectory of assessment act.

       For analysis purpose a renowned private school in South Delhi was chosen and a pen and paper test was conducted there. Though students participated actively voluntarily but  as the test began the children came across the difficulties and unease. The most conspicuous difficulty with which students were struggling was their inability to read and make out the questions of the test paper.

a)Most of the students expressed that they did not understand the questions.

b) Most of the students were not familiar with the Hindi names of the numbers.

It has been observed that when a facilitator loudly translated the Hindi name of the number into English, students  answers to the questions like, ‘ise anko mein likho’, the children were noticed  also struggling to comprehend meaning of the words like Ank, kram, gunanfal, bhinna, aakriti, tribhuj. Students’ were also not comfortable with the word problems. Most of the students waited for elaborations and prompts from facilitators, whilst solving the questions of the test, students were observed, seeking help of their friends and facilitators to translate the given mathematics situation in their native language, codes and linguistic actions. The difficulties what children felt with words and words problems were more a problems of decoding the mathematical statement than deficiency of their arithmetisation of the given situation.

On the whole, there was a scene of active engrossment of the students through their loud thinking and acting on the mathematical situations at hand.

Number sense and counting:

                                               One of the aims of the present assessment deliberation is to take an account of students’ number sense, i.e. levels of their comfort or ‘at-homeness’ with numbers. It includes the understanding the number meaning, relationships between numbers, operations on number and arithmetization of real-life situation with the help of numbers.

It was observed that a good majority of the students’ of class IV were known to the size of numbers up to 3-digits. They successfully recognized the given numbers and also converted them into correct combination of digits. Nevertheless, most of the students were found not comfortable and confident in dealing with the 4 and 5-digits numbers due to the lack of the necessary mental strategies to identify and describe the positional value of a digit. 


                 Students were familiar with the relationships between two as well as three digit numbers. They were able to identify the patterns and also to determine the missing elements in the number patterns. In these courses , students were observed to be acting as rational counters. They used varied strategies of counting i.e. ‘counting on’ and ‘counting back’, jump strategies, split strategies and compensation strategies to complete the questions pertaining to number patterns and orderly arrangement (i.e., greater than and less than) of the numbers.

       However, a significant number of students were, as observed, not able to arrange the given numbers as per the rules of ascending and descending. This instance casts doubt about the students’ understanding of the relationships between numbers. While interacting with students along this issue, it was discovered that students were familiar with the orderly relationships between attributes of physical weights and heights, and also they could arrange some small numbers in ascending and descending orders. However, they were not able to arrange 3-digit numbers due to lack of the idea and strategies to deal with position of a digit in the given numbers.

              It was observed that approximately half of the total population of students were caught by cognitive slippery caused by the lack of their concepts of place-value which is a pre.-conditions for understanding the size (orderly) and operational relationships between numbers.

        Students were observed counting the position of a digit in 2-digit numbers from left to right and stating 17 is greater than 71. However, at verbal plane, student were of notion that 17 is less than 71.While talking about the strategies and logics with which students arrived at correct answer, it was noticed that students attempted the given mathematical situations primarily with their intuitive grasp and experience of the cardinity and ordinality of numbers.


The test showed that approximately 42% of students were having issues with positioning the digits at right place. It was also evident that some of the students were familiar with the   Th-H-T-O continuum i.e., thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, but their familiarity were merely superficial and nominal. They mistakenly counted ones, tens and hundreds from left to right and thus, were not able to identify the position of a digit in hundred and thousand places correctly. While talking with students, it became obvious that they did not have explicit knowledge and understanding of the positions of  digits indicated in 3-4 digit numbers.

Operations on Numbers:

                 Students were familiar with operations on numbers. They understand addition as ‘joining’ and substraction as ‘take way’. Students appeared to be always looking for these cue words when they encountered the situation in which addition and substraction were encoded in different words and phrases. They arrived at correct answer as soon as they found cue words through prompts of facilitators.

                     The students were found comfortable to carry out additions and subtractions on larger numbers, particularly, in which carry over is required. although, prompts or hints led them to perform operations successfully in some situations.

                        Furthermore, students, as observed, were not interested and confident in solving the questions involving multiplication. The reason what was observed that students were not able to recall the basic multiplication facts that is required to find the product of 8 and 9.  They did not even have idea and strategy to construct multiplication table which is instrumental for engaging with mathematical situation involving multiplication and division. They had used informal -intuitive logics and strategy to questions pertaining to division. For instance, Students seemed reluctant to engage with the situation i.e. 40/4; but, when the question was reformulated in folk form of division, i.e., partition or distribution of Rs. 40 into 4 children, students were found to be quite spontaneous to arrive at the correct outcome. It was also noticed that students could not solve the question of fraction, though they were nominally familiar with the word Bhinna (fraction).


                               In order to estimate, students’ ability and comfortability to understand and organized day to day life through numbers and numeration, some of the questions pertaining to measurement strands like weight, time and money were included in the test. It was observed that most of the students were unable to change one unit of weight in another units i.e., grams to kilograms and vice-versa. When the weight strand question was reformulated by stating that if a shopkeeper has only some weights of 100 grams and you have to buy 1 kg of sugar, then how many weights of 100 grams need to be places against the desired quantity of sugar. Some of students gave correct answer i.e. 10.



                            Besides, most of the students were able to understand the clock time. They shared their familiarity with clock-time acquired as a habit in daily- life. Students also expressed their acquaintance with the various units of time strand i.e., years, months, day, week, hour, minute and second. But most of the students could not carry out addition across months having different numbers of days.

     Working Mathematically:

               Word problems, in the test, were used to get an idea about the students’ ability and comfortability to think and act mathematically so that they can cope up with situations in day to day life through mathematisation (primarily arithmatisation at this level).

                Most of the students felt difficulties in solving the word problems because, they did not have adequate linguistic schema required to unfold the given proposition and find the key informations or cues to reach at desired outcomes. For instance, the proposition pertaining to purchasing some vegetables and thereafter, presenting account of expenses and remainder was not successfully attempted by many of the students. While discussing about their difficulties, it was noted that most of the students were having experiences of the act of purchasing articles alone and also giving account of expenses and remainder to their parents. Yet they could not solve the analogous situation given in the test. The reason behind this helplessness, as observed, was their inability to unfold the written propositions.


The Summarised Discussion:

                      The students’ positive spirit, enthusiasm and confidence to act upon mathematical situation, are, probably one of the manifestations of child-centric and constructive engagement with children in the school.

                          Having taught mathematics on these principle and practice is vital to emancipate the repetitive, monotonous, joyless and alienated mathematical learning of students at the School.

                              Nevertheless, these are not the sufficient conditions and steps to transcend the students’ learning of mathematics beyond their informal-intuition mathematical dispositions and agencies.

The formal way of mathematisation depends substantially on some concepts, symbols and algorithm. The level and degree of successful mathematisation by students are determined by the extent to which they internalize all these elements in their cognitive make-up.

                                   Besides, the learning of mathematics at school can not be organized either as an informal-intuitive praxis of engaging with situations mathematically or as a formal analytic doctrine of mathematics, mistakingly conceived or practices as a kind of mathematics devoid of commonsense.

                                    The formal mathematics is a necessary extension of commonsensical mathematics which needs to be built upon the informal-intuitive make-up of students’ mathematical praxis.

                           The test reveals the definable deficit in algorithmic articulation and presentation of mathematical situations at hand. The students were found showing reluctant to follow the standard algorithm of mathematization, particularly in relation to multiplications and divisions. Instead, they (some of the students) were having their own version of algorithm. It was interesting to be exposed with students’ own algorithm may be taken as celebration of constructive learning in mathematics in this school. However, they were observed confused and at unease even in using their own version of algorithm required for arithmatisation of the situations. On asking, students attested teachers’ efforts to make them learn the reasonable algorithm. Yet, the observation of students’ lacking in algorithmic strategies to deal with situations, at least indicates a pedagogic misfire in teaching of either form of algorithm, be it intuitive or formal at optimum level. It is pertinent to note that the algorithm is one of the threshold concepts in mathematics which needs to be handled with greater care and sensitivity. In order to develop students’ abilities to use algorithm as an integral trajectory or path of mathematisation, material based activity can be placed at the centre of teaching- learning process.

                         Concrete materials can, thus, be instrumental for conceptualization of steps in algorithm, but, they must be manipulated with care for attaining logico-mathematical experience of sequence of steps (i.e. algorithm) in mathematisation. This needs further to be supplemented with basic facts (e.g. counting, tables) required to reduce cognitive overload in learning the steps in algorithm. Besides, estimation and rounding skills can also be used to check the arbitrariness in individual algorithmic strategy and eventually to (re)shape students’ own version of algorithm.

                         Besides, students were also observed lacking the concept of fraction, operations on decimal along with their less-developed spatial thinking, concepts and ability to solve geometrical situation successfully. Hence it is imperative on the part of teachers to reconstruct the pedagogic underpinning and practices as to empower and emancipate students mathematically.                                          

                      Further, one glaring problem, as witnessed, was students’ inability to unpack the questions embedded in key words, phrases and sentences. This can be misconstrued as in-efficiency of the students’ linguistic schema; an issue, generally to be thought, exists beyond mathematics class room. The discomfort and unease displayed by students in solving the word-problems were not due to students’ lacking of the strategies and skills of mathematisation, but, as observation indicates, due to students’ inability to decipher the written situation with suitable strategies of reading and comprehending.                              

The difficulties encountered by students to deal with word problems and act mathematically indicate towards the pedagogic gap between what is required and what is supplied as to contextualize the learning in mathematics, and also to link school mathematics with daily –life. The efforts of contextualization of mathematics in this school, as revealed, suffer from the inadequate material based activities on the one hand and limited time and low frequency of students’ involvement in manipulating and performing activities on the other hand.

                       While, it is important to allow students to construct their own meanings and strategies for mathematical situation, it is equally necessary to see that when students enter the school their pre-existing intuitive knowledge and experiences need to be nurtured and transformed into explicit and dynamic cognitive structure.

                        Dr.  Ajay Kr. Choubey                     

( This article has been edited for the blog. Author can be requested for the access of full article on his email.)                                       

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