February 8, 2021

Result of Essay Competition

 Dear Children

Thanks for participating into Essay Competition organized by All India Ramanujan Maths Club. You all tried well but when it comes to competition, only selected number of participants get a chance. Our judges tried their very best and read all the essays and finalized the name of few. They will get certificate in accordance to their rank. The first three will get rank certificate and rest will get consolation certificate.

Those who couldn't make into FINAL, will also get certificate of participation.

Dr Rajesh Thakur                                                                                                  


Unknown said...

Thanks to the full team for organising this type of competition. Pls organise these types of competition in all coming years.I am really satisfied with this type of competitions

Gurpreet Kaur Bedi

How to Build a Sustainable Fitness Routine said...

Because of some home issue I can't fill this form so now I have filled the form sorry sir