May 16, 2020

How to motivate a Slow learner : Mr K Bhanumoorty

Desire,Determination,Diligent, Devotion,Destination ---in learning mathematics. 

We the teachers have taken up this profession either by choice/chance. Once taken up, should we not set an example, with devotion, commitment, and accountability for the work we are responsible. 

Parents send their wards with lots of expectations that the school shall definitely bring their children fulfilling their aspirations and ambitions. There may be some children who will be even the first generation of learners who come to school.

 Parents may not be able to help in studies rather in academic matters. In general a class is heterogeneous students of different calibers. There may be some students who may have problems, in, communication skills, understanding and reasoning skills, to grasp quickly. We are sure to see, can say, they bloom  and blossom little late, though  slow in learning, in born abilities are there. 

Many factors are there, first and foremost parents have to understand their children, not to compare with others, to accept the children, to understand the actual problems instead of blaming them. Family issues are to be sorted out if any, for maintaining a healthy environment, support, encouragement at home.  
Contributions by teachers in abundance are very much essential. A kind of drive is a must, by the parents and teachers, for the progress and attain a set of defined objectives and goals by students.
A parent need not know the subjects but regular interaction with son or daughter, on daily basis, what has been taught, shall definitely be fruitful. No doubt parents have to have faith in them, at the same time watch and ward duty is a must, thereby their wards are motivated, shown the right path. Parents to visit the school and have interaction with the teachers to know the performance (to have rapport with the school.) Then comes  the  important  facilitator  teacher  who  has  all concern for progress of  students..

In the beginning of an academic year itself, the teachers have bio data / profile of all the parents. There may be even single parent, children living with grandparents, father works at out station etc. Some students lag behind in academic achievements compared to their counterparts in the normal school. Within a matter of 2 months a teacher shall be able to identify who are slow learners. Slow, I would say problems in comprehension ability in understanding or grasping power. In some cases, could be even health problems, family in adequacies. Teachers have to understand what the actual problem is and be diagnosed for early action. No doubt a teacher has limitations to interfere in family matters but as far as the academic matters are concerned he or she should definitely put efforts sincerely to ease out. I have  even  noticed  some  students  who have  more  abilities  but do not use their full potential, there lies the duty and role of a teacher. Interest in the subject to be created and motivated how mathematics is applied in our daily life.

 Let us discuss further, an action Plan, needs to be taken by the teachers.

1) Class may be divided into smaller group, consist of 4-5 students. Care to be taken group is mixed one, student of different abilities. A group leader may be nominated which shall be changed under rotation after a month or so. Students feel comfortable, happy, when they sit with friends, nowadays peer group learning is under practice. 

2) Once a unit is comfpleted, a symposium may be arranged in one period to discuss what are the concepts learnt.

3) Class assignment to conduct, to know, who actually have problems, in learning / working out problems. Questions one  after  another  with  time  frame  to answer, so as to be  aware of time management in answering a question. This will facilitate a teacher for remedial measure. To conduct remedial classes after the school hours, or during weekend with the permission of school authority and intimation to the parents. In remedial classes, to repeat the teaching, in learning new concepts. No doubt lots of patience are required from the teachers. 

4) To prepare graded questions simple to complex, worksheets, to give extra materials, and give them for practice at home, to refer reference books for self-practice. Home works to be corrected then and there, follow up to be done immediately so that the same mistakes are not repeated again. Progress of the student is to be monitored subsequently to inform school authority and parents.

5) To encourage, students to ask doubts, involving in other projects / activity oriented topics. Students have to have respect for teachers but not to have fear to clarify or  ask doubts .

6) To appreciate work done, to give confident, encouragement with positive note, award and reward shall go a long way.  

7) Apart from the above aspects the child has to feel that the teacher has all concern in his or her development, academic career, treats  everyone  equally. ( impartial)

8) Counselling the student at the right time is essential part by the teacher, especially when the students are adolescents.  Interaction more often with students to know the areas of difficult will be a guiding force. Care is to be taken to address individually and separately, never in open class.

9)   A teacher has  to  encourage  students  to participate  in other  school  activities , be impartial, make them realize  school is a place for all round development, not merely academic knowledge.

10) Once a month teacher could plan for Quiz in Mathematics, fun in mathematics (Magic squares, puzzles), to speak on contributions by great mathematicians (Indians as well as other countries.)  This would facilitate a sort of motivation and curiosity among students.

11) If a teacher could contribute, bring a student for self-attainment and made progress in life, he or she has done an immense service. You have done not because they will remember you but because you have done, what you have to.

It is not an exaggeration to say that teachers can influence a student life. Students who are inspired by their teachers can accomplish amazing results and that motivation always stay with them lifelong.

Let me conclude with a quotation by CLAY P. Bedford

“ You can  teach a student a lesson for a day; bur if you can teach him to learn by creating  curiosity , he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.”


Shyam Mohan said...

Brilliant write up. The author seems to have put his heart while writing this beautiful article.

geethanjali said...

Yes sir...
Points mention are very correct

Unknown said...

Very nice sir


The heart of a genuine Mathematics Teacher opened for fellow teachers.

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