December 11, 2024

Ramanujan Quiz Day - 3

 Day 3 of Ramanujan Remembrance Day Quiz is here. Before you attempt, know some interesting facts about Srinivas Ramanujan

6 things you must know on the third day of the quiz about Ramanujan

1. Ramanujan got K Ranganath Rao Prize for mathematics when he graduated from Town High School in 1904

2. After failing twice in FA exam, Ramanujan ran away from his house. His mother got a news of his missing published in The Hindu newspaper.

3. In 1904, Ramanujan calculated Euler's constant up to 15 decimal places with the help of series 1/n.

4. Here is a family chart of Ramanujan and his wife Janki

Family Chart of Janki
Family chart of Ramanujan

5.  Ramanujan was born at Erode in this house which was discovered by a Japanese mathematician Prof Susumu Sakurai in 2013.

6. Ramanujan travelled to England by a ship named SS Navesa

If you want to play the quiz of day 1 and day 2 click the link below.

                                DAY 1 AND DAY 2 QUIZ LINK




DR RAJESH KUMAR THAKUR, pub-5194588720185623, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

December 10, 2024

Ramanujan Quiz Day - 2

 Dear Participants

The quiz is an effort to let you know about our mathematician and especially Srinivasa Ramanujan whose birthday is being celebrated as NATIONAL  MATHEMATICS DAY. The quiz s will run till 22nd December. 


The life of Ramanujan also reminds us the importance of a teacher. Ramanujan become Ramanujan because he got the support of his mentor G H Hardy.

Ramanujan in 1913, wrote a letter to G H Hardy telling him about the mathematical discovery he had made. He sent 120 theorems to him that baffled Hardy and he called him England.

 If you want to check out the questions of Day - 1, you can click the link given at the beginning. For the quiz of 2nd day, click the link below.

Do Share the link with your friends. Let's join hands together to make Ramanujan the household name.

Don't forget to write your views on the quiz, in the comment box. 


December 9, 2024

Ramanujan Quiz Day - 1

Dear Students

SRINIVASA RAMANUJAN, an inspiration for million was born on 22nd December 1887 in Madras Province of British India. His birthday 22nd December is celebrated as NATIONAL MATH DAY since 2011, when the then PM of India Dr Manmohan Singh declared it. His journey from a small town Erode to England is a phenomenal event that will make you feel that you too can achieve the height with your dedication and love to the subject.   

The life of Ramanujan gives us strength to fight against all odds and to be a winner. 

Being born in a very poor family where hardly could he get meal at the end of the day, Ramanujan reached the top of mathematical mountain. 

Blessing of parents, advice of teachers and friends and cooperation and support of G H Hardy brought a genius of Ramanujan.

Here is a small efforts from my side to salute the mathematical genius. Do join me to know about Ramanujan and his journey from a small town Kumbakonam to England.

If you want to know about Ramanujan the great mathematician don't forget to read the following books.


 This quiz will run till 26th April to celebrate RAMANUJAN REMEMBERANCE DAY.

                  Click here to play the quiz 

Give your suggestion and feedback in the comment section.

December 4, 2024



Test Link for Junior (7)

Test Link for Junior (6)



November 24, 2024

Time Management and guidelines for Teachers


 ''Manage your time effectively to turn your dreams into reality."

- Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam

                Managing time is a personal behaviour, person to person differs and varies of different age groups. Students’ life at institutions, adults at institutions and at various work places. I could recollect while working as a teacher what one of my colleagues told. When we were discussing about time management. 

The teacher gave me the guidance, what I have to do. “I have to write, right from wake-up time till I go to sleep, and account for outcome of my activities.” for about 30 days. The guidance had been very helpful to know where I do spend more time, less time. It has been a self-awareness and started my planning for my academic work at school and personal work. When planning is done half of the work is over, I believe so. One has to plan the work, work for the plan. In this write up I wish to place the importance of teachers, parents, of course students follow up.

Teachers Role:

    Students are to be guided on their study habits. The students (at least from class 8) should be asked to carry out the suggestions made in the introduction above (what I carried out), at least for 15 days. That would help them to plan for studies effectively. Lot of time is available during the holidays. A separate schedule be prepared by students. Parents endorsements are essential for the full proof, for every day. Without parents’ support and involvement, attaining the set in goals is very difficult. If required a meeting may be organised at school for parents by the head of institution. Students are to be guided properly to take up this work/ project, in letter and spirit. These might be applicable for all subjects, not just restricted to one subject. Teachers are requested to refer the marking scheme prepared by subject experts. A magazine is available in CBSE office.

Guidelines to prepare the students for exam:

·     First and foremost, to complete the whole syllabus what is prescribed for the examination well within the time schedule as per institutional planning for the academic year.

(Courtesy: - SAAR Books Publication Ltd.)

·     To plan for chapter wise revision in the class, questions are to be given for practice and be evaluated.

·     To attend slow-learners, to pick-up and their progress be noted.

·     To give challenging questions and be solved in classroom teaching.

·     Students should not have fear to ask doubts and they must be encouraged to ask, clarify their doubts then and there. This will increase their confidence level.

·     Teachers have to update and refer CBSE site for model paper and do the revision. Nowadays competency-based questions, case study questions, application question are being asked.

      There are conventional questions (stereotyped) in class 10th the question paper, nearly about 15% to20 %, in geometry, (theorems) in rational numbers and polynomials chapter. Sufficient practice be given enabling students save time. 

                       A quote from Vince  Lombardi

“Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.”

·     Note: There is certain percent of questions other than textbooks. (Could be 12 to 15 %) It may vary for every year. Students are to be informed this aspect. Latest blue print of question papers is to be told in every subject).

·        Many a times, I have been listening from students, ‘the paper was lengthy and time was not sufficient to complete’ though they knew the solutions. I deeply, think over on this issue, where does the problems lie.

Blueprint of the question paper is given by the board with the distribution of marks chapter wise also given. An example, class 10th – Mathematics, Board paper. CBSE. Marks wise type of questions.























Duration of the examination is 3 hours (180 Minutes).

Let students keep 10 minutes for revision, so you are left with 180 -10 = 170 minutes. Here comes the time factor for 1 mark = 170/80 = 2.125 minutes (Approx. 2 minutes). On some occasions, 3 or 4-mark questions may be easier than 1 or 2 marks. Since students might have practiced more on such questions. Teachers will have to give sufficient practice while doing revision.

The teachers may give 1 mark question and ask the students to complete it within 2 minutes. At the end of 2 minutes, students should be able to give the answer. Following this method will help the teacher know how many have done correctly within the stipulated time and how many couldn’t. This would help the teacher guide students better. I would suggest this kind of practice for other questions too.

We are fully aware that now-a-days, entrance exam is being conducted for different academic courses. For example, in engineering Mathematics, 60 objective type questions have to be answered in 60 minutes. This kind of practice may be taken up right from class 8/9th. I would suggest, the teachers to solve the question prior to sharing it with students, to gauge the time taken in solving it. Also, they should convey to the students how the marking scheme works while evaluation the answer scripts.

Each class has different subjects. The type of question would differ based on the subject. Hence depending on the subject, teachers have to modify the question paper for revision. The intent of the revision tests is to make student comfortable with the subject and confidently write exams. This way they can attain set goals with good marks.  

Few of the best practices that a teacher should let know the students before the exams are:

·    It is not compulsory to answer the questions in a sequential order, although the question number for each section are to be noted down correctly in the answer paper while answering a question students should complete all necessary working steps with respect to the marking scheme prepared by subject experts.

CONCLUSION: I have made an effort to convey on how far the teachers could think over, since for every problem there is a solution. These are few suggestions, that I have followed throughout my teaching career. This might not be an exhaustive list, there could be other ways to follow as well. We are fully aware that a day has 24 hours. Shall we make them as OURS.


About the author:- Mr. K. Bhanumoorthy is a retired KVS Principal. He is an avid reader and mathematics communicator. You can contact him to







November 7, 2024

AIRMC National Award 2024

 Dear All



All India Ramanujan Maths Club is a National level Mathematics Club established by Dr. Chandramauli Joshi in Rajkot in 1993. Since its inception, it has started training students and later to teachers. In the last 30 years, AIRMC has been working in 23 states. 

17 National Level Convention, 17 State Level convention and hundreds of conventions at the district level is the main achievement of the club. These conventions have been witnessed by thousands of students from different parts of country who enjoys showing their mathematical skills by means of presenting mathematical puzzle, models, participate in quiz, math relay, Vedic Maths competition , Extempore and different activities organized in the convention.

Every year we select 6 -8 teachers from different parts of India for National Best Teacher Award, 1 teacher for Ramanujan Award and 1 for Aryabhata Award. 1 award is reserved for Resource Person of All India Ramanujan Maths Club. Raman Science and Technology, National Council of Teacher Scientist.

Eligibility Criteria for National Award

1. For best teacher Award :- 6 years of working experience as a teacher/ lecturer/ professor.

2. Some social work for uplifting the standard of mathematics

3. Book publication/ Article writing/ Research paper presentation in state or National level will be an added advantage

For Aryabhata and Ramanujan Award

1. 15 years of teaching experience

2. Minimum 5 research paper publication

3. 2 books with ISBN number is a must

4. Must have done some Social service to uplift the standard of mathematics.

Award for Mathematics Promotion

We select 2-3 mathematics enthusiasts who are actively involved in mathematics promotion will be awarded in the convention.

Young Achievement Award

1 researcher who is below 30 years are selected for this award for his/her exceptional mathematics research. It is mandatory for such applicants to showcase at least 3 research problem/ paper published in any international journal or repute. 

Last date to fill form is - 25th November 2024

Result Announcement: - 26th November 

Click the link below to fill the form.

                       CLICK HERE

Dr Rajesh Kumar Thakur

Director , Award Selection Committee 

18th National Maths Convention 2024 at Science City Ahmedabad

                  18th National Maths Convention 2024

All India Ramanujan Maths Club in association with Science City, Ahmedabad is going to organize the 18th National Maths Convention 2024 at Science City (Ahmedabad) on 20-22nd December 2024. 

                           Science City, Ahmedabad

Last Date of Registration = 20 th November 2024

Highlights of Program
a) Interaction with Scientist from Science city, ISRO, PRL 
b) Competition for students and teachers
c) Mega show on 22nd December, National Mathematics Day
d) Certificate of Participation and memento for all.
e) Awards for Teachers
f) No registration fee
g) Free boarding and lodging to all

Program Guidelines

A school can register in maximum 3 events. 

a)Each event (Quiz/Puzzle/ Model/ Poem and Essay) can be participated by two students. Maximum 8 students and 1 teacher from one school can register. 

b)For Relay Competetion, a group of 3 students are required.

c) For Mathematical Rangoli/ Math Doodle/ On the spot 3D model making - Only one student in each group from a school can participate.

The organizer will provide all the support at the venue (Boarding/Lodging on sharing basis). Participants have to bear the cost of their own ticketing.

Details of events are as follows:- 

    1. Quiz Competition

Syllabus :-  General Mathematics

                          History of Mathematics

                         Know your Mathematicians

                          Identify Mathematical Shape/ Curve/ Film / Book

Question on the mathematician that you can check on the blog page itself. In the past we have conducted several quiz on Aryabhata and Ramanujan so get an idea of what type of question will be asked in quiz section.

Level 1 :- Written test through Google Form will be conducted in the first phase. 12 students with maximum correct answer will be selected for Final round.

1st level Exam will be held on 20th November. Only registered students can participate in the exam.

Level 2 : PPT Round with selected students

                 2. Mathematical Model Topics (Junior/Senior)

3 D model making - Topic and instruction will be given at the venue. Students have to bring 3-4 A-4 sheet, pencil, scissor, tape, glue with them.

Besides that, students can bring their own working/non working Mathematical models with them to be showcased their. The top 3 models will win prizes. 

             3.   Mathematical Poem Topic (Junior/Senior)

                Role of Mathematic


                Number game


             Mathematics in daily life

               Why I love Maths

                                      Word Limit for Poem :- 100 - 200 word

                    4. Mathematical Essay Topic (Junior/ Senior)

 a ) Relevance of Ramanujan in today’s world

b)  If I were Aryabhata/ Brahmagupta

c) Mathematics in Kitchen

 d) Importance of Numbers

 e)India the country of Numbers  

 f)Contribution of Indian Mathematicians in Freedom Struggle

g) Use of ICT in Mathematic

h)Math Phobia : How to address it

i) Journey of Pi in 100 years

j)Career in Maths

k) Had the shape of Ice-cream cone be Spherical?

l) Field Medalist of India

                                                      Word Limit :- 200- 500

5.Mathematics Relay Race

M Mathematics Relay Race is a group activity where a team consisting of 3 members will play the game. 

A set of 9 questions will be given (3 to each) to be solved in 9 - 15 minutes as decided by the management. Suppose the three boys are P, Q and  R 

a) P will solve his first question and give the solution to Q 

b) Q will solve his question and share the solution of both P and Q to R 

c) R will solve his question, that will require the input value of P and Q

Look at the diagram below to understand the game. Here 1 , 2 and 3 are three students sitting back to back. 

Duration :- 10 -15 minutes

          6.Mathematics Puzzle Competition

A puzzle competition on Pentominoes will be held on the spot. A student will be asked to make 6 x 10 / 5 x 12 / 4 x 15 / 3 x 20 size pentominoes in a time span of 10 minutes.

Events for teachers:-

a) Paper Presentation on any innovative teaching method

b) Why and How in Mathematics where a teacher has to prove some mathematical concept on the spot.

c) Extempore where a teacher will have to present his/her views on any selected topic from a given list of topic drawn from a pot.

Award for Teachers

Please check the link below to know more about it.

Award for Teachers

For any query you can drop mail to

You can reach to us via whatsapp /call on the following number

Dr Rajesh Thakur - 9868060804

Dr Chandramauli Joshi - 9825166956

Mr Kalpesh Akhani - 7990589043