Dear All
It is the 73rd day of the quiz. To celebrate the 75th year of Indian Independence, this quiz will run for 75 days, i.e. 2 more days to go.
We have so far covered --
JK, Assam, Bihar, WB, UP, MP, Uttrakhand, Kerala, Pondechery, Manipur, Telengana, AP, Goa, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Odisha and Tamilnadu
Your co-operation is my strength. I do hope you all are enjoying and updating your knowledge. This quiz is an opportunity to feel pride on the Indians who have done remarkably well in the field of mathematics and put our head high.
This quiz is prepared by Mr Tahir Gaffar, a maths teacher working at Army Good Will Higher Secondary School Hajinar (Tangdar). He is also a member of Resource Person Group of All India Ramanujan Maths Club.
Please help me in this mission to awaken the Indians. Do attempt the quiz, learn about the mathematician concerned and never forget to share with your near and dear.
Read about the great mathematician by clicking the following links -
This is the time to play quiz.