September 1, 2021

Mathematician From Delhi - Akshay Venkatesh (73rd day)

 Dear All

It is the 73rd day of the quiz. To celebrate the 75th year of Indian Independence, this quiz will run for 75 days, i.e.  2 more days to go.

We have so far covered -- 

JK, Assam, Bihar, WB, UP, MP, Uttrakhand, Kerala, Pondechery, Manipur, Telengana, AP, Goa, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Odisha and Tamilnadu

Your co-operation is my strength. I do hope you all are enjoying and updating your knowledge. This quiz is an opportunity to feel pride on the Indians who have done remarkably well in the field of mathematics and put our head high.

This quiz is prepared by Mr Tahir Gaffar, a maths teacher working at Army Good Will Higher Secondary School Hajinar (Tangdar). He is also a member of Resource Person Group of All India Ramanujan Maths Club.

Please help me in this mission to awaken the Indians. Do attempt the quiz, learn about the mathematician concerned and never forget to share with your near and dear. 

Read about the great mathematician by clicking the following links -

This is the time to play quiz. 


Mathematician from Karnatka :- S G Dani (72nd Day)

 Dear All

It is the 72nd day of the quiz. To celebrate the 75th year of Indian Independence, this quiz will run for 75 days, i.e.  3 more days to go.

We have so far covered -- 

JK, Assam, Bihar, WB, UP, MP, Uttrakhand, Kerala, Pondechery, Manipur, Telengana, AP, Goa, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Odisha and Tamilnadu

Your co-operation is my strength. I do hope you all are enjoying and updating your knowledge. This quiz is an opportunity to feel pride on the Indians who have done remarkably well in the field of mathematics and put our head high.

This quiz is prepared by Ms Sadhna Hulyalkar- a maths teacher working at VPEMS, Baramati. She is also a member of Resource Person Group of All India Ramanujan Maths Club.

Please help me in this mission to awaken the Indians. Do attempt the quiz, learn about the mathematician concerned and never forget to share with your near and dear. 

Read about the great mathematician by clicking the following links -

Hope you have enjoyed reading. Do read before attempting the quiz.


Mathematician from Karnatka : C R Rao (71st day)

 Dear All

It is the 71st day of the quiz. To celebrate the 75th year of Indian Independence, this quiz will run for 75 days, i.e. 4 more days to go.

We have so far covered -- 

JK, Assam, Bihar, WB, UP, MP, Uttrakhand, Kerala, Pondechery, Manipur, Telengana, AP, Goa, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Odisha and Tamilnadu

Your co-operation is my strength. I do hope you all are enjoying and updating your knowledge. This quiz is an opportunity to feel pride on the Indians who have done remarkably well in the field of mathematics and put our head high.

Please help me in this mission to awaken the Indians. Do attempt the quiz, learn about the mathematician concerned and never forget to share with your near and dear. 

Read about the great mathematician by clicking the following links -

For more details you can check this website also


It is the time to play quiz. Do remember to share in groups

Click here to play quiz

August 31, 2021

Mathematician from Tamilnadu :- Raman Parimala (70th day)

 Dear All

It is the 70 th day of the quiz. To celebrate the 75th year of Indian Independence, this quiz will run for 75 days, i.e. 5 more days to go.

We have so far covered -- 

JK, Assam, Bihar, WB, UP, MP, Uttrakhand, Kerala, Pondechery, Manipur, Telengana, AP, Goa, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Odisha.

Your co-operation is my strength. I do hope you all are enjoying and updating your knowledge. This quiz is an opportunity to feel pride on the Indians who have done remarkably well in the field of mathematics and put our head high.

Please help me in this mission to awaken the Indians. Do attempt the quiz, learn about the mathematician concerned and never forget to share with your near and dear. 

Read about the great mathematician by clicking the following links -

It is the time to play quiz

Click here to play quiz

August 30, 2021

Mathematician from Tamilnadu :- Srinivasa Ramanujan (69th day)

  Dear All

It is the 69 th day of the quiz. To celebrate the 75th year of Indian Independence, this quiz will run for 75 days, i.e. 6 more days to go.

We have so far covered -- 

JK, Assam, Bihar, WB, UP, MP, Uttrakhand, Kerala, Pondechery, Manipur, Telengana, AP, Goa, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Odisha.

Your co-operation is my strength. I do hope you all are enjoying and updating your knowledge. This quiz is an opportunity to feel pride on the Indians who have done remarkably well in the field of mathematics and put our head high.

Please help me in this mission to awaken the Indians. Do attempt the quiz, learn about the mathematician concerned and never forget to share with your near and dear. 

Few questions of this quiz are prepared by - Sri K Bhanumoorthy sir. You can send your valuable comments to thank Mr Bhanumoorthy, a retired KV Principal and recipient of Ramanujan Award

TO read about Ramanujan click the given link

Hope you have enjoyed this beautiful article.

Please click the link below for quiz


August 29, 2021


  Dear All

It is the 68 th day of the quiz. To celebrate the 75th year of Indian Independence, this quiz will run for 75 days, i.e. 7 more days to go.

We have so far covered -- 

JK, Assam, Bihar, WB, UP, MP, Uttrakhand, Kerala, Pondechery, Manipur, Telengana, AP, Goa, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Odisha.

Your co-operation is my strength. I do hope you all are enjoying and updating your knowledge. This quiz is an opportunity to feel pride on the Indians who have done remarkably well in the field of mathematics and put our head high.

Please help me in this mission to awaken the Indians. Do attempt the quiz, learn about the mathematician concerned and never forget to share with your near and dear. 

Sharing is caring and this quiz works on the this principle. Members of Ramanujan Club Resource group are helping me out in preparing the quiz and my sincere thanks goes to each of them. Today's quiz is prepared by MR TAHIR GAFFAR 

Write to your comments with your name to salute the work of MR Tahir Gaffar

Click the link to know more about C S Seshadri before attempting the quiz.

Do share with your friends. Now it is the time to play quiz. 


August 28, 2021

Mathematician from Tamilnadu - C S Seshadri (67th day)

 Dear All

It is the 67 th day of the quiz. To celebrate the 75th year of Indian Independence, this quiz will run for 75 days, i.e. 8 more days to go.

We have so far covered -- 

JK, Assam, Bihar, WB, UP, MP, Uttrakhand, Kerala, Pondechery, Manipur, Telengana, AP, Goa, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, Odisha.

Your co-operation is my strength. I do hope you all are enjoying and updating your knowledge. This quiz is an opportunity to feel pride on the Indians who have done remarkably well in the field of mathematics and put our head high.

Please help me in this mission to awaken the Indians. Do attempt the quiz, learn about the mathematician concerned and never forget to share with your near and dear. 

Sharing is caring and this quiz works on the this principle. Members of Ramanujan Club Resource group are helping me out in preparing the quiz and my sincere thanks goes to each of them. Today's quiz is prepared by MR K Bhanumoorthy is a retired Kendriya Vidyalaya Principal and recipient of Ramanujan Award of All India Ramanujan Maths Club

Write to your comments with your name to salute the work of MR K Bhanumoorthy

Click the link to know more about C S Seshadri before attempting the quiz.

Do share with your friends. Now it is the time to play quiz.