August 15, 2024

Important Days in Mathematics

 1. Euler Day

Every year on 7th Feb (2/7) is celebrated as Euler day because  Leonhard Euler had calculated the value of e (a constant) to be 2.7182818. The first two number 2/7 is 7th  February.

2. International Day of Mathematics

UNESCO’s 40th General Conference proclaimed 14 March of every year International Day of Mathematics in November 2019.

3. World Pi Day

March 14 (3/14) is celebrated as Pi Day around the world. U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation to formally recognize Pi Day in 2009 and since then it is celebrated on 14th March which is also the birthday of Einstein. The idea of celebrating Pi day came in the mind of Physicist Larry Shaw in 1988 but it took 21 years to get the final idea adopted by the world.

4. Women in Mathematics Day

12th May is celebrated as Women in Mathematics Day around the world. On 31st July 2018, the Women Committee of Iranian Mathematics Society presented a proposal that Maryam Mirzakhani’s birthday – May 12th be recognised as Women in Mathematics Day which was approved by World Meeting for Women in Mathematics by a vast majority.

5. Tau Day

Like Pi, Tau is a constant and it is double of pi in approximation. Hence on Every 28th June (6/28) Tau is celebrated around the world

6. Pi Approximation Day

On 22nd July, we celebrate Pi Approximation Day (22/7)

7. Math Storytelling Day

Math Storytelling Day is celebrated on 25th September every year. It was created by Maria Droujkova and Sue VanHattum in 2009. This day is celebrated to encourage people to tell stories about Mathematicians, their struggle and contribution and to appreciate the discovery in the mathematics.

8. Fibonacci Day

On 23rd November (11/23) is celebrated as Fibonacci day because 11 and 23 both are a part of Fibonacci Sequence .

9. National Mathematics Day

Dr Manmohan Singh in 2011 announced that every year 22nd December should be celebrated as National Mathematics Day because, the child prodigy Srinivasa Ramanujan was born on this day.

10. Pythagorean Day

This day is not celebrated every year but any year where the date, month and year makes a Pythagorean triplet is termed as Pythagorean day. In 2025, 24/7/25 will be Pythagorean Day as – 242 + 72 = 252


August 14, 2024



Mathematics Olympiad Foundation is happy to organize a unique Independence Day quiz where you can explore about Indian Freedom Movement. 

The 25 questions will test your knowledge about Indian Freedom Movement, the contributions of freedom fighters and their journey from struggle to get a free country from the clutches of Britishers.

Since this quiz is being organized by Mathematics Olympiad Foundation, so there will be 5 Mathematics Question to test your mathematical skill also. The mathematics questions are on Mathematicians, Mathematical Society, and 6-8 graded questions.

Total Number of Questions : - 30

Marks : 150

Passing Marks : - 50%

Certificate will be given to all participants who score 50% marks and above. You can download the certificate from your mail. 


August 13, 2024

Mathematical Lab Kit for D. El. Ed Students


Dear Students,
Here is the list of some of the math lab kits, that you can see in Primary and Upper Primary Math Lab. 
Counters for Counting/ Integers Addition + Subtraction teaching purposes

2. Number Mats

2 D shapes 

4. Place Value Abacus 

5. Decimal Abacus 

6. Base 10 Blocks 

3 D Solid 

Isometric Geo Board
Circular Geo Board

Exterior Angle Theorem Proving 
Angle Sum Property of a Triangle 

Folding Solid Shape
Mensuration Cube

Number Balancing Scale 

Cuisenaire Rods

Roman Number Kit

Tessellation Kit

Fraction Bar 

Fraction Wheel 

Circle Kit
Dummy Clock

Dummy Note


Mensuration Kit
Square of (a + b + c)
Square of (a + b)

Cube of (a + b)


Multiplication Table 
3 D Nets

Please make a group of 10 - 12 students and design 2 Mathematical Kit. This is a course assignment, and you will be marked on it.

Dr Rajesh Kr Thakur

August 9, 2024

Think and Reflect


Look at the Picture and answer the following?

1. How can you make such pattern in Mathematics Lab?

2. What do you notice?

3. How would you describe, what you see here?

Problem 2 :- 

Here, 3 squares are seen overlapping each other.
What is the greatest number of squares you can make by overlapping three squares of the same size?

Happy Learning 

August 4, 2024

18th National Maths Convention 2024

                                       18th National Maths Convention 2024

All India Ramanujan Maths Club in association with Prabhat Kids School, Akola (Maharashtra) is going to organize the 18th National Maths Convention 2024 at Akola (Maharashtra) on 9-10th November 2024. 

Last Date of Registration = 10 th October 2024

A school can register in maximum 3 events. Each event (Quiz/Puzzle/ Model/ Poem and Essay) can be participated by two students. Maximum 8 students and 1 teacher from one school can register. The organizer will provide all the support at the venue (Boarding/Lodging on sharing basis). Participants have to bear the cost of their own ticketing.

Details of events are as follows:- 

    1. Quiz Competition

Syllabus :-  General Mathematics

                          History of Mathematics

                         Know your Mathematicians

                          Identify Mathematical Shape/ Curve/ Film / Book

Question on the mathematician that you can check on the blog page itself. In the past we have conducted several quiz on Aryabhata and Ramanujan so get an idea of what type of question will be asked in quiz section.

Level 1 :- Written test through Google Form will be conducted in the first phase. 12 students with maximum correct answer will be selected for Final round.

1st level Exam will be held on 9th November. Only registered students can participate in the exam.

Level 2 : PPT Round with selected students

                 2. Mathematical Model Topics (Junior/Senior)

3 D model making - Topic and instruction will be given at the venue. Students have to bring 3-4 A-4 sheet, pencil, scissor, tape, glue with them.

Besides that, students can bring their own working/non working Mathematical models with them to be showcased their. The top 3 models will win prizes. 

             3.   Mathematical Poem Topic (Junior/Senior)

                Role of Mathematic


                Number game


             Mathematics in daily life

               Why I love Maths

                                      Word Limit for Poem :- 100 - 200 word

                    4. Mathematical Essay Topic (Junior/ Senior)

 a ) Relevance of Ramanujan in today’s world

b)  If I were Aryabhata/ Brahmagupta

c) Mathematics in Kitchen

 d) Importance of Numbers

 e)India the country of Numbers  

 f)Contribution of Indian Mathematicians in Freedom Struggle

g) Use of ICT in Mathematic

h)Math Phobia : How to address it

i) Journey of Pi in 100 years

j)Career in Maths

k) Had the shape of Ice-cream cone be Spherical?

l) Field Medalist of India

                                                      Word Limit :- 200- 500

5.Mathematics Relay Race

M Mathematics Relay Race is a group activity where a team consisting of 3 members will play the game. 

A set of 9 questions will be given (3 to each) to be solved in 9 - 15 minutes as decided by the management. Suppose the three boys are P, Q and  R 

a) P will solve his first question and give the solution to Q 

b) Q will solve his question and share the solution of both P and Q to R 

c) R will solve his question, that will require the input value of P and Q

Look at the diagram below to understand the game. Here 1 , 2 and 3 are three students sitting back to back. 

Duration :- 10 -15 minutes

          6.Mathematics Puzzle Competition

A puzzle competition on Pentominoes will be held on the spot. A student will be asked to make 6 x 10 / 5 x 12 / 4 x 15 / 3 x 20 size pentominoes in a time span of 10 minutes.

Events for teachers:-

a) Paper Presentation on any innovative teaching method

b) Why and How in Mathematics where a teacher has to prove some mathematical concept on the spot.

c) Extempore where a teacher will have to present his/her views on any selected topic from a given list of topic drawn from a pot.

July 21, 2024


 Dear All

On the occasion of Pi Approximation Day being celebrated on 22nd July (22/7) every year, Here is one very interesting quiz dedicated to Pi. There are 40 questions related to Pi. Let's know the mysterious number pi. Don't forget to share with your known/students/teachers/

Just give a TRY

 The story of pi is more than 4000 years old but the race to find its value is still continued.

Interesting Facts:-

                                             (Courtesy:- From the Tweet of @Cliff Pickover)

2. 22nd July is the birthday of -- GAUSTAV HERTZ      ---- WILHELM BESSEL  and great Indian mathematician - SHREERAM SHANKAR ABHYANKAR 

3. 22nd July 2024 is the 204th day of the year.  204 is the sum of consecutive primes in two different ways: ---
a) sum of a twin prime (101 + 103) 
b) sum of six consecutive primes (23 + 29 + 31 + 37 + 41 + 43).

204 is the sum of squares of first eight consecutive natural numbers
204 = 1²+2²+3²+4²+5²+6²+7²+8².

                                                      A brief Introduction of Pi

Value of Pi = 22/7 is probably taken because Archimedes (born in 287 BC) calculated the ratio of circumference to diameter coming out to be lying between 223/71 and 22/7.

Aryabhata (born in 476AD) was the first Indian mathematician who calculated the value of pi correct up to 4 decimal places. His value of pi was 3.1416. 

The Mahabharta decodes the value of pi as 3.

योजनानां सहस्राणि विष्कम्भो द्वादशास्य वै ॥ 6-12-40
परिणाहेन षट्त्रिंशद्विपुलत्वेन चानघ ।
षष्टिमाहुः शतान्यस्य बुधाः पौराणिकास्तथा ॥ 6-12-41
चन्द्रमास्तु सहस्राणि राजन्नेकादश स्मृतः ।
विष्कम्भेण कुरुश्रेष्ठ त्रयस्त्रिंशत्तु मण्डलम् ॥ 6-12-42
एकोनषष्टिविष्कम्भं शीतरश्मेर्महात्मनः ॥ 6-12-43
सूर्यस्त्वष्टौ सहस्राणि द्वे चान्ये कुरुनन्दन।
विष्कम्भेण ततो राजन्मण्डलं त्रिंशता समम् ॥ 6-12-44
अष्टपञ्चाशतं राजन्विपुलत्वेन चानघ।
श्रूयते परमोदारः पतगोऽसौ विभावसुः ॥ 6-12-45
एतत्प्रमाणमर्कस्य निर्दिष्टमिह भारत ।

The Moon is handed down by memory to be eleven thousand yojanas in diameter. Its peripheral circle happens to be thirty three thousand yojanas when calculated.

The Sun is eight thousand yojanas and another two thousand yojanas in diameter. From that its peripheral circle comes to be equal to thirty thousand yojanas.

The Bible says -

Also he made a molten sea of ten cubits from brim to brim round in compass and five cubits the height thereof; and a line of thirty cubits and compass it round about.  --- Old Testament

William L Schoff says -

Probably no symbol in mathematics has evolved much mystery, romanticism, misconception and human interest as the number of pi.



Buffon calculated the value of pi using needle. Ancient Hebrews who built Solomon's temple used pi = 3 while Shatapatha Brahmin calculated the value of pi equals to 3.085.

In 1901, Italian mathematician Mario Lazzarini Performed the Buffon Needle experiment tossing a needle 3408 times, he obtained the approximation of pi which was a very accurate value. 

Archimedes in 3rd century inscribed and circumscribed regular polygons up to 96 sides and showed the upper limit is 22/7 and lower limit is 223/71.

           Pi  Day = March 14 (3/14)

Aryabhata calculated the value of pi correct  up to 4 decimal places and can be termed as the first mathematician to do so.
Add 4 to 100, multiply it by 8 and then add 62000. The result is approximately the circumference of a circle of diameter 20000.

Madhava, the founder of Kerala School of Mathematics also calculated the value of pi before James Gregory using the infinite series.

व्यासे वारिधिनिहते रूपहृते व्याससागराभिहते।

त्रिशरादिविषमसंख्यामत्तमृणं स्वं पृथक् क्रमात् कुर्यात्

यत्संख्ययात्र हरणे कृते निवृत्ता हृतिस्तु जामितया।

                         तस्या उर्धगताया समसंख्या तद्दालं गुणोऽन्ते स्यात् \\

Ramanujan made several attempt and calculated the value of pi through numerous formula.
You can also calculate the value of pi using his formula.

Yale Bablonian Tablet known as YBC 7302 also approximates pi as 3.125 . . .

Interesting Facts About Pi:- 

At position 763 which is also known as Feynman Point, there are six nines in a row. 

Johann Lambert proved Pi is irrational in 1768.

I hope you have read the information shared here. It is the time to play quiz to explore your knowledge about pi. 


A certificate is attached with the quiz provided you score 75% marks so try your luck and win certificate.

Rajesh K Thakur, pub-5194588720185623, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5194588720185623, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

July 20, 2024

International Math Relay Competition


1st International Math Relay Competition 

In order to Celebrate Pi Approximation Day, which is celebrated every year on 22nd July (22/7), Competition Baba (A unit of Vishwaroop Foundation, Delhi) is organizing 1st International Math Relay Competition.

In order to get the prizes announced by the Managing Committee of Competition Baba, students have to go through two phases of exam. 

In the first phase there will be a Google Form Based Quiz and the selected students will be playing the Group activity in Mathematics, i.e. Mathematical Relay. 

A team of 3 (either from a school/ member chosen by the Competition Baba team) will play the final round on 22nd July.

1st Round:- A google form Based Test. The syllabus of the test for both Junior and Senior are Class 7 and Class 10 only. Though a balanced question based on 6-8 and 9 -12 has been added so that the students get fair chance to perform. 

Duration :- 60 minutes

2nd Round:- It is a group activities and will be performed by a team consisting of 3 students. A set of 9 questions will be given (3 to each) to be solved in 9 - 15 minutes as decided by the management. Suppose the three boys are P, Q and  R 

a) P will solve his first question and give the solution to Q 

b) Q will solve his question and share the solution of both P and Q to R 

c) R will solve his question, that will require the input value of P and Q

Look at the diagram below to understand the game. Here 1 , 2 and 3 are three students sitting back to back. 

Duration :- 10 -15 minutes


Test Link for Junior (7)

Test Link for Junior (6)