June 10, 2019

MCQ - Real Number - Class 10 - Part 4

31. If a and b are positive integers, then HCF(a,b) x LCM (a,b) =
                a) a x b                  b) a + b                 c) a – b                  d) a/b

32. π is –
                a) a natural number                        b) not a real number
                c) a rational number                       d) an irrational number

33.  The missing number in the factor tree is-

a)       4                                      b) 5                                        c) 6                         d) 8

34. 91/625   , when written in decimal form terminates; as the factor of denominator are in the form of 2m x 5n. This number will terminate after how many digits?
                a) 1                         b) 2                        c) 3                         d) 4

35.  Decimal representation of rational number 8/27 is –
                a) 0.                b) 0.29                 c) 0.2                 d) none of these

36. The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 4 and 9696, then the product of two numbers is –
                a) 9696                  b) 24242               c)38784                                 d) 4848

37. A number p/q when expressed in decimal form terminates after 7 digits then factor of q are of the form of xm × yn; the value of x + y should be –
                a) 7                         b) 14                      c) 9                         d) 26

38. The HCF of two numbers is 8, which one of the following can never be their LCM
                a) 24                      b) 48                      c) 56                       d) 60

39. The LCM of two co-prime number is 638. One number is 29, find the other number
                a) 16                      b) 22                      c) 36                       d) 17

40. IF A, B and C are three numbers such that LCM of A and B is B and the LCM of B and C is C then LCM of A, B and C is
                a) A                        b) B                        c) C                         d)

NB :- Answer is marked with red


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