February 20, 2017

How to find Rational Number between two numbers

Number between two Rational Number:-
There are infinitely many Rational number between two rational numbers. If you are asked to find 5 Natural numbers between 5 and 15 then you would have begun with the smallest number 5 and added 1 to get 6, then consecutively and continuously adding 1 to the previous number you would have obtained the number between two Natural numbers.

Question: - Can you find 5 natural number or whole number between 3 and 4?
Answer:- Absolutely not, there is no natural or whole number lying between 3 and 4.
Now come to rational number and here you can find the infinite many rational numbers between two numbers.

First Method: - If m and n be two rational numbers such that m < n then 1/2 (m + n) is a rational number between m and n. Question:- Find 3 rational Number between 3 and 4? Answer: - 1st number between 3 and 4 is ( 3 + 4 )/2 = 7/2 2nd Number between 3 and 7/2 is (3 + 3.5) / 2 = 3.25 3rd Number between 3 and 3.25 is ( 3 + 3.25) / 2 = 3.125 Second Method:- Multiply the numerator and denominator of both the number by 10, 100 …

Third Method:- To find the rational number between two number p and q there is a beautiful formula that will help you to find the rational number easily.

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