June 23, 2017

23 and Mathematics

Today is 23rd day of the month. Watch this video to understand the number 23 mathematically.

June 22, 2017

30 and Mathematics

February 20, 2017

How to find Rational Number between two numbers

Number between two Rational Number:-
There are infinitely many Rational number between two rational numbers. If you are asked to find 5 Natural numbers between 5 and 15 then you would have begun with the smallest number 5 and added 1 to get 6, then consecutively and continuously adding 1 to the previous number you would have obtained the number between two Natural numbers.

Question: - Can you find 5 natural number or whole number between 3 and 4?
Answer:- Absolutely not, there is no natural or whole number lying between 3 and 4.
Now come to rational number and here you can find the infinite many rational numbers between two numbers.

First Method: - If m and n be two rational numbers such that m < n then 1/2 (m + n) is a rational number between m and n. Question:- Find 3 rational Number between 3 and 4? Answer: - 1st number between 3 and 4 is ( 3 + 4 )/2 = 7/2 2nd Number between 3 and 7/2 is (3 + 3.5) / 2 = 3.25 3rd Number between 3 and 3.25 is ( 3 + 3.25) / 2 = 3.125 Second Method:- Multiply the numerator and denominator of both the number by 10, 100 …

Third Method:- To find the rational number between two number p and q there is a beautiful formula that will help you to find the rational number easily.

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